Sabherwal, Suhani

Neem (Azadirachta indica) Suhani Sabherwal - Dehra Dun Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh 2010 - x, 212 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm.

" The neem issue is particularly sensitive because, it has come to symbolize conflice between traditional and modern economic systems"

" While the pesticidal quality of Neem (Azadirachta indica) is the main reason for the tree's attraction to multinutational companies...."
Nature, 377:95(1995)

Neem, a pordigious multi-purpose tree of the tropics, has immense potential to benefit mankind and to save the environment. Often referred to as 'Gift of the Gods' or 'Nature's Pharmacy', the tree is exploited as a commercial medicine and an antibiotic. Extracts from its extremely bitter seeds and leaves may, infact, be the source of a new generation of chemicals in Integrated Pest Management.

The book has been designed to study the role of plant frowth regulators during the regenerative phase of Neem. the foliar application of plant growth regulators on the cash crop has benefited plant growth, development and yield. they mediate protein (PAGE Zymogram) nucleic acid and mitotic activity (ontogeny) and also play a role in cell division, growth and induction of invertases and phosphate synthetase (anatomy and biochemistry). HPLC profiles of 'Neemrich' varuavkes are evaluated for seed index, fatty oils and lionoid content associated with the pharmaceutical traits in Neem.

The book is strongly recommended as a regular reference for Scientists, Researchers, Post Graduates and Under Graduates students in the fields of pharmaceuticals, plant Biochemistry and physiology. it provides an organized upto date account in the fields.


Medicinal Plant
Azadirachta indica


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